“Clothes aren’t going to change the world, women who wear them will.”
Shopping is something each one of us love 🛍. But if you think shopping is just a simple act based on human needs, you’re sadly mistaken.
67% of people shop everyday, also spend about 6 hours per week online. Textile Industry is the biggest polluter in the world after oil industry.
But Have you ever wondered where your clothes go after you discard them? What happens to torn or damaged clothes, or items that no one wants to buy?
Often, they are sent to India, joining a second-hand global trade specifically to Panipat in Northern India. Everyday hundreds of tonnes of clothes from across the world arrive at Panipat at the landfills (recycling mills) where the clothes are recycled. From high-street brands to luxury labels – most clothes donated to charity end up here.

Once in landfills, natural fibers can take hundreds of years to decompose. They may release methane & CO2 gas into the atmosphere. Additionally, synthetic textiles are designed not to decompose. In the landfill, they may release toxic substances into groundwater and surrounding soil.

Most of the garments discarded in 2009 are probably yet to decompose or biodegrade. Considering that around 350,000 tones of UK clothing are sent to landfill each year!
But there are sustainable technologies and processes being used to make fashion green. Many apparel manufacturers have switched to employing eco- Friendly Fashion ♻️. It can be a alternative trend against Fast Fashion. But how will you do that?

Convert your old clothes to the latest trendy one instead of throwing them. Buy what you Love, wear it atleast for 30 times and also Read the Label, see if its Eco-friendly or not 🌱